Writing and publishing a simple HTML, CSS and JavaScript tool

Sometimes it's nice to write a pure webpage without any third-party tools. Here's how we wrote, published and domain'd one.

Screenshot of the finished app

What we’re building

We’ve had to find our Mastodon account ID more than a handfull of times, and like any good coder, if you find yourself repeating a tedious task, make a tool!

We want a simple form that fetches the ID, basically




We use VSCode for all our web development. The features, extensions and speed make it an outstanding text editor.

For example, with emmet built-in you can scaffold an HTML page just by typing ! then tab.

Our entire app HTML is a simple form

    <form action="">
    <h1>Find your Mastodon ID</h1>
        <input type="text" placeholder="e.g blackspike" class="username" />
        <input type="text" placeholder="e.g mastodon.cloud" class="server" />
    <input class="btn" type="submit" value="Get your Mastodon ID" />
    <output hidden></output>

We don’t often use the <output /> element, but it’s appropriate here.

Live Preview

One of the benefits of using framework like Vue or Astro is that you get Hot Module Reloading (HMR), normally thanks to Vite or WebPack or BrowserSync.

If you’re not using one of those, VS Code has an official Microsoft extension called Live Preview that enables you to see your changes in a browser window within VS Code as you type, for HTML, CSS and JavaScript.


We’d normally reach for open props for CSS tokens, but this is so simple we won’t even use sass.

The CSS is pretty straightforward, a couple of small notes

Logical Properties

We use logical properties instead of things like width and height, preferring inline-size and block-size so the page will work better in non-left-to-right languages. Chris Coyier has a great post explaining the details.

Clamp for font-size

 font-size: clamp(0.75rem, 0.2rem + 4vw, 1.25rem);

This means the font should at a minimum be .75rem, a maximum of 1.25rem, and ideally, 5% of the device width. Easy responsive text!

Centering with grid

We’ve all seen the memes about how hard it is to center stuff is in CSS. Not in 2023 jackasses!

body {
  block-size: 100%;
  display: grid;
  place-content: center;


Conic gradients

We can use conic gradients across all browsers now, so let us. In fact, let us pinch one from the aforementioned open-props, choose one from open-props.style/#gradients

background-image: conic-gradient(at 125% 50%, rgb(183, 140, 247), rgb(255, 124, 148), rgb(255, 207, 13), rgb(255, 124, 148), rgb(183, 140, 247));

A better box-shadow

You can get better box shadows if you layer them up, they are softer and more natural coloured. Use shadows.brumm.af to generate them for you.


We just need to grab the username and server from two inputs, do a fetch, grab the ID from the returned JSON and either pop it in the output or show an error.

const userName = document.querySelector('.username')
const server = document.querySelector('.server')
const button = document.querySelector('.btn')
const output = document.querySelector('output')

const fetchId = async (e) => {

  try {
    const getId = await fetch(`https://${server.value}/api/v2/search?q=@${userName.value}`)

    const { accounts } = await getId.json()

    output.value = accounts[0].id
    output.hidden = false
  } catch (error) {
    output.value = 'Are your details correct?'
    output.hidden = false

button.addEventListener('click', fetchId)

We use native fetch, arrow functions, async-await, template literals, object destructuring. All the good stuff in ES6.

If you don’t understand these words, we can recommend the excellent ES6 For Everyone course by Wes Bos.

We also don’t use semi-colons to end our lines because we are cool.

Publishing - Easy mode

Publishing - Advanced mode

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If you need web development or an icon for your Mac app - do get in touch!